Wednesday, December 1, 2010

aw wittle wawa is gwoing up

For those of you who know me, and I mean REALLY know me.. know that for the first several years of my life I referred to myself as Wawa... some of you may be thinking... "no big deal, she had a speech impediment WHO didn't?" But for those of you with half a brain notice that "wawa" is also the best place on earth...

My point? I don't really have one.

But I ordered my business cards this week.... pretttttty pumped about it, I get to hand those bad-boys out to hot dudes at yuppy bars in center city (of course i will be driving or taking the train into center city.. I still live/work in my parents basement...)

I am still currently seeking an intern.. However I will not be paying you at all... except in compliments! BA DUM CHI! God. I'm hilarious.

But anywho- I GO TO BOSTON TOMORROW, ow ow! Visiting my cousin and two great friends and I couldn't be more excited about it! I promise updates on the Must-see places of the city as soon as I get back. Maybe I'll see a Tea Party member where the Tea Party went down... and I'll throw them into the harbor like those patriots did with the English tea. Gosh the Boston Tea Party (I'm talking about the historical event, not the political party..... duh) I distinctly remember learning about the Boston Tea party in grade school and thinking wow, these Americans are SERIOUSLY bad ass... think about it, they dressed up as native Americans, and threw massive amounts of tea into the Boston harbor... I think I even made a diorama depicting the event. What happened to us Americans being bad ass on such a scale? The current "tea party" just embarrasses the Boston Tea Party name... I say we get some tea and throw it into a fucking harbor! Thoughts?

Peace. Love. Sam Adams.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some people will never grow up..

This past week reminds me a lot of the time I got into a car accident when I was 18. A day after I stayed up all night because of prom- I was on my way back from newtown square-while everyone else was blowing off senior project, I was taking real estate classes. I have what we like to call "catholic guilt" for some reason it is very difficult for me to do something half-ass and not feel extremely... unnecessarily guilty about it- so I was doing something with my time that could really benefit my future and not take advantage of the month off before graduation.

anywho- I was tired, cranky and most likely not paying too much attention when I rear-ended a BMW (metallic blue). Shaking, we both pull into the Wawa to exchange info and this main-line-mom in spandex starts gets out of her car, freaking out at me.. informing me that she not only was going to be late to her work out, but her lease was up in a week and this accident would ruin everything (did i mention i barely chipped her paint and my car was un-drivable). So, I did what any normal, hormonal, sleep-deprived teen would do, I cried and called my daddy...

So why is this relevant to my past week? This spandex wearing mom was my first realization (besides don't drive when youre too tired) that some women, no matter how much they go through, will forever be inherent bullies... no matter if you are a stay-at-home mom who dictates the PTA with an iron fist, or one with a full blown career who decides to threaten her ex-babysitter with a charge worth hundreds of dollars to replace the locks if they don't return their key by 5pm tonight (yes... THAT happened), once a bully, always a bully.. And those most susceptible to bullies? THOSE WITH CATHOLIC GUILT... it is ingrained in my blood for me to feel guilty for quitting a BABYSITTING JOB.. but now? NO MAS, PUTA (that's spanish for "no more, bitch"). What did I do this time? Did I cry and call dad?? NO DUDE, I stuck up for myself!

So folks, moral of the story? In the city (well,suburbs) of brotherly love- Be kind to your employees: respect and kindness can go a long way. Being a bully? Just causes teens to cry, keys to get "lost," aggressive e-mail to be sent, and bridges to be burned.

peace. love. philadelphia.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy New YEAR!

Okay, so it miiiiight not be new years, but I seriously feel revitalized. I am determined to get out of this slump I've been in and commit to blogging and getting my shit together.

I've had sort of a terrible week... well I shouldn't say terrible (caroline) I should say less than pleasant week. I have been having these terrible mood swings, no not menopause, I like to call it JOB-O-PAUSE, or maybe i should call it bi-joblar disorder.. that is probably more suiting.. as i manically apply to hundreds of jobs and then get super depressed that none respond. I've had these flashes of emotion thinking that I will simply NEVER get a job. I think I've sent my resume out ATLEAST 200 time ... I SWEAR that is not an overstatement. I even resorted back to babysitting.. and let me tell you.. its hell in a handbag. My first day on the job and i am walking their dog... i shouldn't even consider this BEAST to be a dog.. she's a 150 pound KING german shepard... come ON.. and get this... it shits ALL over itself the first day!! In a panic I find a hose... a spray the beast down... lets just say i doubt i got all of it.. its stepping in the poop and tracking it all around, and I just spray the leg off and call it a day-because i am NOT getting paid enough to touch poop...

So after feeling sorry for myself all week (cough all fall, cough), I attended a benefit where my best friend, caroline, spoke. She was super nervous but she conquered her fears and spoke (got a standing ovation) and was all-in-all really successful. It inspired me.

I think back to May, when I was so hopeful about gaining some experience in fundraising or non-profits in hopes to start my own one day... and well folks today I took the first steps!

I applied for non-profit status for "Sustainable Urban Development, Inc." YOU are now reading the BLOG of the PRESIDENT. how. fucking. bad ass.

So now, newly inspired by what I am calling "my new year," I will continue down this path towards sustainable, low to moderate income communities while making you laugh.

Don't lie. i know you're looking forward to it.

*L-dog OUT*

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why I could never be a house-wife

OKAY OKAY i'll acknowledge the elephant in the room.. its been... a long time. AGAIN. SORRY MOVING ON!!!

So just got back from Europe a couple weeks ago and I agreed to house sit for my cousin and his wife to look after their two dogs. Which is great, for 2 weeks I get to pretend that I don't live in my parents basement...

So as great as lounging around their house has been, it has made me exponentially aware that I need a career. It's sort of lit a fire under my butt about finding a job. (not that I haven't been looking... but now it's more urgent)

As I hypothetically pour a glass of wine, and pet Yoshi.. yes thats the dogs name, and he's fantastic.. I realize that I would go absolutely bat-shit if i had to stay home, not work, especially if I didn't have children...

On a lighter note, i've had a couple interviews with a company I want to work with-- fingers crossed!!


If you ever are anxious to get out of the city and head deep into the suburbs of Philadelphia, try out Downingtown, PA.

I've been out here for almost two weeks-- and the highlight of it was the Wegman's.. WEGMANS PEOPLE.. have you EVER BEEN to a WEGMANS?!?! ITS UNREAL! its the most glorious grocery store i've ever seen... aisles of baked goods, and tons of options, and these rice cakes they make by hand right there!! THEY POP! ITS RAD.

There is also a movie theatre and i believe there is a Cracker Barrel

No but really- Have you ever heard of Victory, the micro brewery? well.. GUESS WHERE ITS LOCATED?! THATS RIGHT DOWNINGTOWN... its really great food, an interesting atmosphere with high ceilings and tons of options, a must-see of Downingtown.


Monday, July 12, 2010

welp didn't take the job

Didn't take the job, long story, but its good timing for me to be unemployed... and after this week, my unemployment will be official.

So Fourth of July came and went, we had an awesome weekend of boozing, boating, and being morons. Jim's fireworks display had the entire beach clapping before he disappeared into the night so the fuzz wouldn't find him..

On the saturday night before the fourth, we all went to the Springfield in Sea Isle. I RECOMMEND THIS BAR.. only because there are about 3 bars in the surrounding area of ocean city, and this one... which is a dive, is the least dive-y-est of them all... if that makes sense. The Live band that played mixed each song right into one another to keep the party going... they even wore blonde wigs when they covered Lady Ga Ga.... who needs to pay 200 dollars for a ticket to her show, when you can see her music covered in a sweaty bar in sea isle for 5 dollars...

Sunday was spent tubing, hands down, the best day of summer so far. Drinking PBRs with Pat, my cousins, Kat and some germans, we let our skin burn and swam in the bay... while being attacked relentlessly by green heads.

As for the past week, I've been doing the single mom thing, making masks out of play-doh, ironing beads together in the shape of snow flakes and beach umbrellas, going to the pool and more importantly taking a night to the beach.

Yeah, so last week i took the girls to beach, where I proceeded to fall asleep for 2 hours on the beach while they played... sooooo responsible.

We went on some rides on the boardwalk... one being Double shot... its that ride where you sit in a harness, they lift you up a couple stories in the sky and drop you. I LOVE THIS RIDE.. I CANT EVEN TELL YOU.. but of course i nervously laugh and scream the ENTIRE time I'm on it. Olivia and I were on the boardwalk sign and the ENTIRE BOARDWALK stopped and stared at me, probably thinking I was like lit on fire or something with how loud i was.

This weekend, I went back to the shore ... duhh... I waited for my mom to get off of work on friday so i could drive with her down in my new car! The entire time though i think i made her nervous as i saw her bracing and reaching for the clutch everytime i went around a turn.... When i finally got down atoud 11:30 i got dressed quickly and olivia, amy, kelsey, mike, mark, and kevin went to Atlantic City for the night to do some gambling, and I DDed. I lost 15 bucks in a penny slot.... whatever, haha and decided to play black jack for the first time, $15 minimum. I threw a Benny on the table and set up my first hand... Dealer hit 21... off the bat.. okayyy i thought i'll try again... So i put another $15 down, and AGAIN the dealer fucking hits a queen and an ACE... WHAT THE HELL ... i think that was an omen.. So i cashed in the rest of my chips and we hit up the bar in the middle of Harrahs, which i actually really like. After being carded literally 5 times at the bar.. even though i was only drinking water all night, we decided to try to go to the Pool Bar for an hour or so... While making our way there... it was no shit puke-fest 2010. WE must have seen 3 different girls throwing up, and throw up all ove hte floor on the way there... it was a turn off to the bar, so we decided to just head home... with 45 dollars less than i came.. but atleast a good time.

unfortunately, it rained all of saturday, but it wa okay, i was feeling pretty lazy anyways. My parents and I went out to the Inlet for dinner, i had Sangria in hopes that Spain would win the world cup (and they did!! felicidades, espana!) and just had a mellow night on my porch with Mike, Mark, Tim, Jake, adam and of course olivia, just drinking a few beers... icing jake.. and just hanging out, and going to bed early.

Sunday was amazing, Josh picked me up and we went surfing for a few hours... IM SO SORE.. Im definitely not used to it, but it was soo fun, caught several nice waves, but the undertow was sooo strong, i had to call it quits by 3.

anyways, if you've never tried surfing, you definitely should. Its one of the most incredible feelings ever.

well im off to entertain the kids--> TIGER BEATS TONIGHT, if anyone is interested!!

much love, Have a great week

xoxo, gossip girl

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


THATS RIGHT- I got a job... look at me, new car, new job, now I just need to move out of my parents basement...

no literally... i'm living in their basement. This morning i made myself breakfast and watched an episode of full house before i had to come in to babysit... thats what we like to call REGRESSION... I am reverting, slowly, back to my childhood...... full house was even being played on a station called TEEN NICK... (equivilant to our generations "SNICK") I've also been going to bed around 10pm... seriously, its like someone pushed me into a time machine and I've reverted back to my awkward teen years... living vicariously through DJ and Steve's love life.

anyways... this new job... which i will from here on refer to as bringing nerds to employment... is as a head hunter. Basically, I talk to IT doods and find out what they want, see if their not happy at their jobs and try to get them something that makes them happier or that pays more.. and then i steal a percentage of their income.. BOO YAH. haha

Sooo... speaking of being a child. Today I am taking the girls i babysit to see ECLIPSE... oh Edward sooo dreammyyy
(i've totally bought into the twilight stuff.... in fact I haven't even read the last book because i just dont want it to ever be over...! GUILTY)

well Everyone, happy hump day!

I cannnnoottt wait for this weekend in Ocean City, Seriously all of my favorite people are going to be there :D

I dont have any final line about something fun and exciting to do in the city this week... but thats okay because you should all be seeing Eclipse anyways... everyday... all day...


Friday, June 25, 2010

THIS JUST IN: if you're still in work and trying to kill the last 25 minutes until the weekend-- THEN THIS BLOG IS FOR YOU

So once again, because nothing ever happens in this lame ass city, I ventured to New York City last weekend to visit my friend steph with liz.

If you ever go to the BIG CITY and are cravin' some mexicana (comida not chica- get your head outta your ass) then you HAVE GOT TO TRY THIS PLACE IN MID TOWN. "BLOCK HEADS"-- Not only was the food unreal ( and for a reasonable price.. i mean relatively speaking, we were in NY) but they have these BANGA-LICIOUS Margaritas, they don't fuck around. It has a great bite of tequila, which you can also upgrade for a low cost- I personally like to taste the tequila in my marg.... because if not, i'll end up with a massive sugar-induced head ache/ stomach ache... HELLOOO i'm ordering a margarita not a smirnof ice... ahhhduhh. But I also tried this really great margarita... it was frozen and had a carona pouring slowly into it... LIKE MAGIC. they wedged the lime in the carona at the most perfect angle to get the taste of beer and margarita... you might think this sounds gross but in fact it was fan-fucking-tastic.

Anyways, after dinner, we walked the streets towards the subway... some carrying a tune while i was carrying a food baby in my belly... seriously ate so fucking much, hopped onto the subway towards queens. thanks to the trusty- iphone (no mac does not sponsor this blog) we found the biergarten (thats german for beer garden... i think) in Astoria where we road that buzzing wave and downed pitchers ($15) of delicious hefeweizen, hoegaardens, and much .... much more. When we started to get a little bored (frustrated that boys weren't talking to us) We decided to make our own fun... and meet some people while we did it...

...claiming we were reporters for the main line times, we asked how people found out about the beer garden and why they came, and if they knew any other little "gems" in queens... thats right, and people bought it.

holding back laughter and somehow managing to keep a straight face we were charming while being convincing.... We asked for a "picture and a quote" from about 5 different groups of guys... here are the best ones we got.

**quick note, so liz was taking notes on her black berry and e-mailing me the quotes... this is a copy of one of the emails she sent me**

"Little secret of astoria" - nick--> They have cars. "Its not bad. My bro lives in astoria. Its not too bad. U have to pay during peak hours. But afterr that hmm" He's a cutie laura. Ill say it. "Weekends are free. Honestly this is my first time here. I meet a lot of ppl. Always got a friend in philly."

Some more quotes:

"Haven't inspected it much. " "Intamate. Can talk and chill. Outside and nice." "Everyine part of a bar. Not limited. More spread out. Like eurpoe "

"I've bever been to eupore but it feels eurpoean. The beer garden is it" -andrew and jonathon

"Drink cranberry and vodka when you come here. Pregame. If you're old get a beer" jonahathon (hahaha)

"Its a real change. Its fresh. From boring NYC bars. Casual atmosphere."- joe from brooklyn

Here's when the quotes start getting a little more aggressive... i think people were sort of getting drunk and starting to really believe we were legit.... this one guy was REALLY not into the fact that i kept saying "well Daddy got me the job at the Paper.. and he flew us out of philly to new york for this weekend... yep all on his dime..."

"Now you've justivied your newspaper as something that sucks... "

"The original RAYS is in coney island. Suppsodily original rays in jerzeeeeee citayyyy" --- that argument went on for a while... i have no idea what the fuck rays is...

Quoting a line in liz's email...
"The fightins. Shout out. Mheach 1. This homebou had been cited. Has noot been cited but 4 stories stolen from his blog*** . Laura u told me to star this."

I have no idea why i wanted that starred...

So thats when we pretty much stopped, at one point we tried to tell people we were just making the whole thing up but i guess we must have done a really good job because they didn't believe us!

I will be emailing the people who quoted us... i hope you're not too dissapointed when you realize its just my blog!!--> BUT SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, YELL I DONT CARE JUST FOLLOW ME haha and tell your friends

so enough about new york, lets talk about philly. Wednesday I headed into the city again for Center City sips... If you're trying to sweat your ass off and rub elbows with Philadelphia's finest yuppies (suburbia's graduates really making it big... gag me...) then Ladder 15 is the place for you!!! It's a two story high school reunion of 20-somethings- pushing and shoving to get as many 2 dollar blue moons as possible in 2 hours.... so after about 2 beers.. we peaced.

which is what I am going to do now.

feel free to join me at Mad River tonight in Old City from 8-10, $5 cover, for dollar drinks and dollar beers... however i drink fo' free... and you probably can too... you're basically guaranteed a free 2 hours of drinking on some friday night if you fill out a card for it.

check ya self befo' you wreck yo'self.

For the record, i didn't re-read this blog, so forgive me of type-os and errors and just plain lame-ness this week

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Not only am I funny... but I like sports... think about it..." Jo and I have been on this biking kick.

I really never thought of myself as a biker before... I mean, ocean city I would cruise occasionally... but that's a bit different- a fixed gear beach cruiser and the island is completely flat... The bike is really only used to get me from one party to the other faster... or wawa... yummm- compared to my dad's bad ass mountain bike.

Anyways, so after not biking for about a week, Jo and I sucked wind in Wissahickon (sp?) trails-- you know the one that parallels lincoln drive. Well anyways, its TOUGH TERRAIN.. i mean sometimes there are even ROCKS in the path and other times, we cross over BRIDGES. THATS hardcore.

Oh and there was an incident. I dont know if I should talk about it. Let's just say, one poor little chipmunk may he rest in peace... Jo and I were busy gabbing about God knows what to notice this poor little chipmunk that ran under jo's wheel, until it was too late. Both of us SCREAMED at the TOP of our lungs, nervously laughed- because both of us have zero tact when it comes to reacting to situations like these... and i practically had to hold Jo back from doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on little Alvin.

I like to think that Alvin lived a fulfilled life in those woods... playing amongst the trees. but honest to god I think the rodent must have had a death wish, like WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!

So tonight, If you're tiger beating or bar-hopping, pour some out for our homie Alvin. one-love.

So a quick recap on my weekend.

Friday night I had to babysit until about 11. That's right I got to go see Shrek in 3-D on the woman I work for's dime. So me and the girls go to chipotle first, and me, being cheap, suggest we fill up our sodas and sneak them into the theater... welll you can imagine how that went. Lily offered to hold two sodas in her purse, which she would strategically wrap in a sweatshirt... that's right, I relied on a ten year old to hold two full fountain sodas .... THEY BARELY HAVE LIDS... by the time we got to our seats her bag was leaking diet soda... all over her nintendo DS and ipod... i get it people- i ruined a girls weekend because i was trying to save a dollar. Well I think it turned out okay, we put the DS and ipod in rice when we got home and everything thing seems kosher today.

so it was late and i was tired but My parents went to the shore... and i HATE staying in that house alone, so I proceeded to fill a water glass to the rim with grape juice (wine), drink the grape juice (wine) as quickly as possible, and pass out watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother, with purple stained teeth...

Saturday I went into the city with mike and brett for cheesesteaks and the USA v England game. I do know why but I recently have been really into watching sports at bars.... Its actually fun. I went to Drinkers for the Stanley Cup, which was awesome, until we lost... then it was just awkward.

Anyways... this brings me to saturday night.

Liz came over and we made road sodas for our train ride into the city. Basically 1 part sprite 2 parts gin, and practically bar hopped from suburban station to old city, first we stopped in continental- split a 10 dollar martini which was excessively sweet, peaced out to drinkers, where i eye-fucked the bartender hoping he'd give me a free PBR............ paid for my PBR, ran into a friend I know from intramural basketball, cabbed it to drinkers in old city (because we went to the wrong one... ) got a beer there, attempted to follow liz's brother and his friends to a mystery club called "Q" but instead shifted missions to crash a girl who graduated two years before me's bachelorette party ...(congrats tina!) Cut the line at said bar, no idea which one, and liz and I bet each other a high-five to see who could get the most numbers. I got 3 i think- only one of these numbers should actually count (thanks bryan!) haha- I have some number I saved in my phone as "A" and a british guy's number who i proceeded later to text "not only am i funny... but i like sports... think about it brit." WHAT!?!? hahah happens. lets just say I'm still pending his response...

Alright, I'm keeping this one shorter. Hopefully I'll be more disciplined about writing, but who am i kidding.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It has literally been a month

So it's been one whole month since I last updated this blog ... completely unacceptable.

So this past month what have i done?

babysat every day - went on about 5 interviews - got a job offer - declined the job offer - didn't get any other offers - completed my senior seminar presentation - made a flower pot in ceramics - ruined said flower pot because im a moron - saw ludacris live - stayed up all night - finished classes - got decent grades - refused to pay parking tickets at school - school is now withholding my diploma - graduated - almost thought I was missing a class (thanks black board) - raged in AC with the pechin pack - lost my shoes - foot bled - stopped by security guard because foot was bleeding - and then had 100 of my closest family and friends over for a joint graduation party with my brother yesterday.

that about sums it up. But i think i have to go into some more details about this weekend.

My brosef- see what i did there... combined brother and joseph, my brother pat had 5 friends come visit philadelphia, 4 were from germany and had never been so we went out in center city. After excessive amount of beer and vodka, we headed to south street for bob and barbaras. THE SPECIALS THERE ARE INCREDIBLE! IF YOUVE NEVER BEEN ITS a GREAT dive bar but its super crowded with no space anywhere to function. But they have a 3 dollar special (YES EVEN ON FRIDAYS) for PBR and a shot of whiskey. so obvi i got drunk and kept buying them for people.

Well instead of going home, which would have been the smart thing to do, we decide with 20 minutes left until the bars close to head over to drinkers, because u can get a 40oz there for cheap. boarder line blacked out, we lose one of the germans, but its okay because he was "on 15th street" unable to find a cross street or anyone who could help him. So jim rolls up in the suburban, and 9 of us pile in, wrecked, searching the streets for Roman.

Saturday night we went to my house in manayunk (which is soon to be over :( no more lease) and rage at kildares and cuddy's. another great night, where we ended up at main street munchies hoovering cheese steaks and fries- where we discovered the future president of the united states, pat's thesis partner. Proceeded home to watch Land of the Lost and I fell asleep sititng up clutching a stuffed animal. classy.

So sunday was the party, soo much fun, so many people showed up and we had a really great time. Some people swam, i proceeded to keep a steady buzz the entire time and rub elbows with cousins and family i hadn't seen in ages. I love when the Thornton's get together, its always hilarious.

Since I am currently unemployed, when I was asked what the next step was, I joked that I was currently working as a single mother (babysitting) and that I would be moving in with my new room mates Jim and Cheryl (my parents) but it was great cause I met them on craigslist and utilities were included in the cheap rent. :D probably used that joke more than dane cook uses his growing up catholic joke.. but i think it killed.

Welp. today i dropped my cousin off at my grandparents retirement home. That place is LEGIT. not only do they have bangin' food, BUT they live in a building with ALL OF THEIR FRIENDS. ITS LIKE COLLEGE.. BUT BETTER, cause you dont have to go to class or wake up early and you can have pets! talk about living the DREAM.

i love them so much too, my grandma just bought an Apple computer... thats right my 83 year old grandmother is using mac's.... shes amazing!

Thats all for now!

tiger beats tonight with my fam! Larry, Jim, Nicole (pat has to be in DC tomorrow so he can't come) and jo percy and corey and anyone else who wants to come!

Thats all for now... I want to rip off Philip DeFranco's vlog and start asking a question of the day or something to get people commenting and talking... any suggestions on something similar to that? For now i'll ask quesitons:

Question of the dia:
Do you Gleek?

Thursday, April 22, 2010


WOO HOO thanks to our friends on blogspot, the anonymous survey results are in!

7 out of 8 people occasionally or DO read my blog! THATS a HIGH percentage! thats 87.5% noooiiicceee

Yesterday i went to lenscrafters to get an eye exam and new glasses and contacts. that right. lenscrafters. After smooth talking with the sales associate i got 50% OFF MY TOTAL PURCHASE! THATS TWO PAIRS OF GLASSES- one pair of ray bans that he insisted needed the best quality lenses (which is why he gave me the discount.. well that and my charming personality) and new lenses in my old glasses! thank you very much. (here's another tip- lenscrafters is surprisingly cheap also- right now u can get 30% off ur purchase even without being a member of AAA... its pretty legit)

whoever said i didn't have game before can SUCK ON THAT

thanks jamal! I will one day find a way to pay it forward- something that is either equal or exceeds that 50%... or maybe i'll just do something 50% of the way nice for someone...

eh either way i win.

check ya on the flip- last week of classes coming up, senior pig roast tonight. can't wait.

OHHH and tonight- Thursday nights on South Street are always fun, check out bob and barbara's for a gay 'ol time... literally, its drag night-- went once before its sooo fun! very entertaining and i THINK $5 special thats a shot of whiskey and a PBR... not to shabby.

live ya life. eyyyhhh

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

There's always money in the Banana Stand...

So i went into hibernation for about 30 hours... why? because i'm a huge procrastinator this semester. I have 2 paper left of my college career... and they're not even that difficult... but of course this most recent one (due today) i put off until the last minute. After spending all day sunday................ i mean monday.......... reading the book i had to write the paper on i stayed up all night working on it. It turned out okay i think... D'S GET DEGREES thats all i'm saying...

I would have spent sunday working on it but I went to a Caron Foundation fund raiser... more like a FUN-raiser! it was a comedy show, get it... i'm being funny? play on words... the comedian was funny, some of the references to childhood are always classic, but i have to tell you I reallllllyyy dislike fat jokes. ESPECIALLY when the comedian is the skinniest guy in the entire world... i find them cheap, and an easy laugh (however, i did no such thing) and its like, clearly he was funny so I'm sure if he worked a little harder he could think of funnier things than a woman's weight.

wahhh wahhhh debbie downer

So this weekend SPRING FLING, like i promised.

talk about FLASH MOB! About 100 sju kids piled onto the R5... if you happened to be on the R5 around 10:10pm on saturday night then you would have been serenaded by an acapella (spelling?) rendition of "sweet child of mine" posing off of the Step Brothers movie... if you haven't seen this scene.. (hah. seen. scene) check it out: you won't regret it. i wish i had captured our sweet serenade on tape.

Walked into a house on the first corner we saw... live band which was legit, and they didn't make us pay for cups...( probably cause this is the only week of the year that the ivy leaguers party...) what? i said it....

If you've never been to an uptight, stuffy, Waspy bar then you definitely need to try Smokes. Located in University City near Penn's campus the elite jocks meet to sip on their gin and tonics and make fun of the girls dancing. OH and don't bother requesting a song... they wont play it.... bastards. HOWEVER, i was impressed by the $1 cover... not to shabby for a saturday night (and the music really wasn't bad)...

But did i let these judgey ivy-leaguers bother me? NEVER. Tina and I danced the night away.. FIRST on the dance floor thank you very much... not giving a SHIT about what anyone thought, at one point I believe words were exchange something along the lines of "GET OUT OF HERE. STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS" when someone's back was turned..........

Well party people. I'm off to class. Enjoy your 4/20 responsibly. (had to say it)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Now! that what I call Milk boy....

After being completely mopey all day yesterday, basically everyone from my study abroad program lives in the midwest or west coast and there's a reunion this weekend that i can't attend because im too poor to afford the flight, I decided to switch my mood.

Went for a run on kelly drive... if thats what you want to call it, I have about 15 days until the Broad Street Run where i literally may die. I can picture it now, mile 6... barely moving my legs, reaching for a cup of water at one of those stands... and BAM falling flat on my face with defeat. But it was gorgeous out, so aftewards grabbed a margarita and some quesadillas at Johnny Mananas. If you've never been you should go. Its reasonably priced, they have 2 dollar margs from 2-4 everyday... kiiiiinda a steal if you ask me.

Quick shower, then off to babysitting... i guess that one margarita i had 3 hours before did me in because i passed out on the couch for about an hour... i seriously don't know why i'm even there.... these kids at 10 and 11 they can take care of themselves better than i take care of myself.

But anyways, onto the good stuff.

Milk boy last night, $10 bucks to listen to my good ol' pals Justin Baron and the Baronettes perform yet again. They sort of have a death cab meets a subtle radio head feel... pretty enjoyable. Justin's voice is pretty unique, rich killed it once again on the guitar... and tambourine. He's probably got the funniest stage presence, he always looks like he's having a good time and belongs exactly where he is on stage.

Highlight of the show? A cover, that immediately threw me back to grade school, rocking out to "Now! thats what I call music (volume I)" (....dude how many "Now!"'s are there? like 55? ) A song that has definitely been neglected for the past eight years..... Fastball- the way.. SOOO GOOD. hahaha it definitely was a great way to end their set. Everyone was really into it.

well thats all i have for now (i know two updates in one week... allllll staarrrrrrrr)

Keep it real.

If you're looking for fun things to try this weekend-- I recommend heading over to Cantina's** Dos Segundos for some slammin' food in Nolibs. Or if your more into a frat-tastic type of weekend, head on over to "Spring Fling" at Upenn's campus

me and my room mates are sure as hell going to be there... trying to reenact It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia's Phlipadelphia episode... trying not to get tazed however (tased? sp?)

have a fan-fucking-tastic weekend. (apparently i really like to change up with word "fantastic" today.)

**Editor's Note: " Spelled Cantina's wrong (plus the original on Passyunk is betterrrr). In fact, you used a different word entirely hahaha"- Percy Bright

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Heads will roll... as well as my eyes

So i guess this whole me blogging thing is going to only happen about once a week...

Since nothing ever happens in philly, I drove a whopping 7 hours to Beverly, Mass. to visit my good ol' pal Jo. We frolicked around Rockport, quick pee stop in Salem (yes... creepy) and Sunday we found ourselves in Boston, along with becky, getting on the wrong subways, snapping "artsy" photos of each other and snacking on kebab's.

After speeding down the highway and making it home in 5 and a half hours, I was wiped.

Monday. rally. Cella's bday.

gathered at dos segundos in nolibs and took advantage of their $5 beer and tequila shot special, snuck in our own whiskey and consumed Delicious hotdogs-- not before we had a debate on how hotdogs taste the best... some prefer boiled.. GAG ME, and others grilled. I prefer to put a hotdog in the microwave until it splits open, thats right... bursts open with deliciousness... then you know its done.

So we headed over to dum dum dum!!! TIGER BEATS (have you noticed this event takes over my blog almost every week?) this week for corey's bday we were joined by more friends! wooo! the word is spreading... well when others wanted to head home, i decided to stay.

After snapping about 150 photos, making friends with randos, and realizing how badly i was sweating, I headed home and face planted into my bed.

Being massively hung over the next day was a struggle but I GOT A JOB INTERVIEW, which i went to today...

3 microsoft office tests, and 3 scenerio business letters.... it was a pretty weird interview if you ask me, but seems like a pretty cool job thats "law school friendly" so we'll see :D

ta ta. hahah tatas


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

so i started writing this on sunday night.... never finished/posted... SUE ME... no don't sue me.. I finished writing today

First of all, I swore I'd be able to sleep at my house in manayunk by myself tonight, as all of my roomies are still at home celebrating jesus with their families, I thought why not?.... well my bro left at about 9:45, and it took me all of 20 minutes to realize WHY NOT... if I wanted to get any actual sleep that I had to go home...

10:22pm-- I pulled in the driveway (thats what he said)
10:23pm-- I had already raided the fridge and consumed the last Mallon's donut.. NBD
10:26pm-- Blind Side was ready to go on demand...
10:45pm-- Passed out on the couch...
12:30am-- Wake up and roll myself into the guest bedroom (it was closer...)


this weekend-

Jim apparently found some magical twig on the beach that when he saw it he thought "this looks like my soul" (i know....) only to find out that 10 minutes later it was stolen from him. On a mission to get it back, after some detective work of following foot prints on the beach, he saw a family, in the distance, using said twig as a flag to mark their sand castle... jim followed the family home, knowing later he would take back what was rightfully his... and that he did.

thats right, he stole a TWIG, he snuck into their backyard... probably where they wash their 5 yr old feet off AND STOLE IT BACK... I can picture it now: little timmy running outside after dinner to build another castle to defend his princess in the sand tower marked by his flag he found on the beach from imaginary knights... stopping dead in his tracks to find his flag is missing... he runs to his parents when he realizes its missing, tears streaming down his face, heartbroken that he no longer has the stick to remind him of that one last easter he had on the beach with his pop-pop.... shame on you jim... shame.

i think he might be pissed i keep calling it a twig... it was in fact, fairly interesting


rumor has it burger joints are popping up all over...

BOBBY'S BURGER PALACE: opened today.... on 39th and walnut in West philly-- opening on a Tuesday...hmmm restaurant suicide? or pure genius? You decide. I hear Tuesday's the new Friday... anddd you can get a "spiked milkshake" for $7.50 -->yowzahs. click to find out more -->

SQUARE BURGER: Stephen Starr's stand opened last week for its first full season... they sell mostly burgers, fries and shakes, but what more would they need?!?! and i still haven't been... any takers? or has anyone been? comments please.

HONEY'S: located in NoLibs, has a certain southern style to it, but with a Jewish flare. Monday was the second time I had ever been, and I promised I myself I wouldn't get the traditional 2 eggs and toast, and went bold... and I'm glad I did... if you have never been PLEASE GO! its awesome! Located on N. 4th street! They have outside seating as well... although don't put the milk in your coffee.... freaks me out that it sits in a mini aluminum pitcher all day under the sweltering heat... although I still used it and survived. You can even take the "Pickle," NoLibs trolley, that drops you off right near it.

Okay enough about food.

Everyone needs to fall in love with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs... if you haven't already then there is something wrong with you... I can't stop listening to "Heads Will Roll..." Thanks to our friends at youTUBE... take a listen..

Rumor has it Beastie Boys are coming out with a new album... SCORE. I'll keep an eye out...

Okay pinky-prom I'll have this be less informative and more creative next time...

If you have any other crazy/interesting/weird things that are NOT HAPPENING IN PHILLY, comment, post, e-mail, share! I'm down to know...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthcare, weddings, tiger beats, OH MY!


Welp, I've been extremely busy these past 10-12 days. I have a huge project coming up, sort of a mock trial type thing on the Health Care Reform, only mines a little different- ours hypothetically does not allow for exemptions based on religion and I am defending the government from those crazy amish up in lancaster county who hypothetically claim it is a violation of their free exercise.

I actually really don't want to write about this anymore because it's all i've thought about for a very long time.

Anyways, I babysat a total of 25 hours last week on top of school and other commitments, but did I let that stop me from going out? NO

After 8 hours straight of sitting friday night with 2-3 of those hours consumed by CLUE with a 10 and 11 year old... I realized that I could care less if it was Ms. Peacock or Ms. Scarlet in the ballroom or spa with the rope or trophy..... THATS RIGHT a TROPHY talk about exposing your children to violence at a young age as a contemporary issue. Hasn't clue been around for a while, maybe even before excessively graphic and violent video games... i mean in the game a woman could LITERALLY KILL YOU WITH A TROPHY.... it freaked me out.

Anyways, after that I needed a drink, I booked it home to change, then to pick up some kids before a party where I proceeded to play catch up with a 40oz and 3 shots of whiskey in an hour.... after a quote-battle from Summer Heights High with an off-the-boat Australian I passed out in Jams top bunk (thats right, bunk beds!!! talk about classic sleep overs.) but not before having pillow talk about tonsillitis? I can't really remember....

When I woke up at around 6:30 am, I had to play that game in my head called "where am i and do i need to be home early today?" and the answer to the latter was YES- you have a wedding to go to with your family!

I booked it home, showered, and after a stressful yelling session with my siblings and parents to "get to the church on time"... what wedding starts on time anyways. OH THIS ONE DID. We stopped so I could grab stockings, which ended up being "nude" and by "nude" i think they meant 10 shades darker than Snookie herself.... highlighted by my teal shoes, was quite the sight against my paleness of the rest of my body.

After taking full advantage of the open bar, the Thornton's hit the dance floor to dance to some classic wedding beats such as "Brick-house"... we managed to have a crowd around us, something new and different the Thornton's having to be center of attention-- it was a blast.

After my parents left, Pat and I continued to take full advantage of the bar.... and it was soon time to leave.

I passed out in the car, but not after making my brothers promise to wake me and rally so we could head over to ... wait for it-- TIGER BEATS at the BARBARY MY FAVORITE THING EVER!

I'm pretty sure I stole clothes out of my dirty hamper and didn't care... AT ALL-- It was really entertaining making pat attend a dive bar... especially when he's hammered. I think it was his first experience with the "hipster-scent" thats right SCENT not SCENE.... probably for the first 45 minutes he looked like he was going to throw up because of some hipsters body odor... something i think i'm getting used to (although at the Danger Danger Gallery earlier in the week, I some how I always get stuck next to the smelliest kid at shows...) although this time it was pat's turn hahahahahhe had is mouth covered and made me change places with him any time the Stinkster (my new word for smelly hipsters) danced a little too close

We danced until last call, and proceeded to Ginos (or was it pats.... i dunno i didn't get out of the car) where i split a cheesesteak with Kat and PASSED THE FUCK out in the backseat in the perfect blend of food coma, sweat, and drunken exhaustion (yes head rolled back mouth wide open)**correction added to satisfy Kats comment** not before I covered myself in an igloo of coats and other articles of clothing found in the back of the passat that is missing all 4 hubcaps...

I woke up in the middle of the night, SO THIRSTY I ran into the bathroom and rummaged around for something that could hold water (difficult to see when you fall asleep in your contacts and they leave your eyes dryer than the Sahara)... all i could find were those budget Dixie shot-glass size cups... and i took shots of water alternating hands until i was satisfied enough to fall back asleep.

Welp. Hope everyone's weekend was a splendid as mine. I can't wait for April 6th because then all the hard work in college is basically over, and I can go to tiger beats every monday night :D

keep it real.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

scotch and splenda. tastes like splenda, gets you drunk like scotch.

okay okay, so not only did i steal that quote from the office, but I stole off a "buzz" on google buzz my friend Liz posted.

but its hilarious. the office is hilarious. liz is hilarious. so it had to be done.

WELP- Its that time of the year when we can all pretend that its socially acceptable to be induced into puking from alcohol before noon: SAINT PATRICK'S DAY! ow ow!

Gonna hit up Kiladares, went last year, pretty legit, irish cover band, I'm into that.

I think I'll get drunk and post another blog later tonight. should be interesting.

Goal tonight: get everyone in the bar to do what I call the Shamrock Shuffle............... if you have to ask, then you'll never know.


gossip girl

Monday, March 15, 2010

high-jackings and roman gods


The other day I was driving home from a lecture at the art museum. Excited to show off the area where I am tentatively living next year to my friends.

It was raining, pouring rain, and as I was leaving (driving around the circle at the parkway) I saw said lecturer walking with her big podium and tons of books and decided to offer her a ride to the bus/home wherever she needed to go.

As I left the car running, I had to move tons of things into my trunk (I get it I'm a slob... sue me... no don't sue me) so she could fit in the back seat. As I desperately searched for the buckle as the rain fell even harder, an unassuming man peeked his head through my door and said "I'll be just one minute..." Confused by this statement I saw him hop into the front ready to pull away IN MY CAR! Thank God the person riding shot gun kicked him in the face and we quickly... miraculously, sped away.

Next thing I know? I'M IN ROME!!

Then I woke up. Be honest, if I had told you this was a dream in the beginning you would have stopped reading. No one actually cares about other persons dreams. As soon as someone goes "ooo I had the WEIRDEST dream last night" you immediately zone out and begin to think about whatever dream you had the night before....


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day light savings... losing an hour and my dignity.

So Friday night I ended up at Drinkers in Center City, where I drank a classy 40oz to freedom... Again, another bar that took me back to my high school days as they play the soft tunes of taking back sunday and saves the day. Me and the DJ had a moment. Well I thought it was a moment. He just thought it was annoying.

Eventually we ended up at voyeur.......... it was fine. Paid a 12 dollar cover to be surrounded by sweaty dudes rubbing up against each other.

Yesterday my roommates and I headed into the city for our personal version of the "erin express," I referred to it as the shamrock shimmie... With bags over our feet (well I wore my industrial size boots that make my whole body about 10 degrees warmer-- which on the train didn't seem like a problem but once we got into the bar.... sweat-town) we played cheers to the governor (a great drinking game thats really easy and funny to do and everyone should learn how to play) shouting out 69! and Happy St. Patty's Day, thinking our hilarity entertaining to all... when in reality is obnoxious.

We arrived at the Irish Pub on 12th and Walnut, where it was so hot the walls were sweating, as well as my feet. After buying ourselves one round, we proceeded to fill our drinks with beers from our purses..... classy girls.

As we booked it to the train we ended up missing it and had to take a cab home... but not before col "relieved" herself on suburban stations ground- sort of a fuck you to the train leaving with out us.

Came home, stuffed my face, power napped, and rallied to JDs in Manayunk... where I only spent a little over an hour before- I burned myself out this week, but not before I saw more high school friends, and one from grade school too. Its always really great seeing how people really come into themselves in college. Especially when you don't see someone for so long, its like someone hit the fast forward button. Kit has this really great Kurt Cobain thing going on and Chris sort of a professor type that rocks cowboy boots.

This reminds me, I'm reading Chuck Klosterman's new book "Eating the Dinosaur." He does this crazy comparison of Nirvana's "In Utero" to the David Koresh crisis that occurred in Waco, Texas. Although, he is only comparing them because they happened to occur in the same year, Klosterman makes a point that both Cobain and Koresh were God-figures who are an interesting example of human nature. "It is fascinating and stupid to see adults destroy things on purpose." Cobain, attempting to separate his true followers from the rest of America (by creating a CD that no one would actually enjoy, or so he thought), destroyed himself for that failure. Koresh was destroyed by others (the compound in Waco was destroyed by a fire-- Klosterman believes the US government burnt it down, but no one has ever been able to figure it out) for succeeding at the same goal.

It is crazy how destructive we truly can be to ourselves and others.

Friday, March 12, 2010


After much demand... I'M BACK

No I'm joking... kinda, well Last January I did attempt to create a Vlog, which was my new years resolution. Within the less than 3 minute segment I vowed to not make the Vlog anything like journals I always tried to start in the past... Where I inevitably maxed out by January 3rd... proving my inability to commit to anything. Well the blog's life span was even shorter lasting only one lonely pilot episode, however hilarious if I do say so myself.

So anyways, SB2K10! ow ow!

So far this week has consisted of my friend Corey and I romping around Philadelphia in hopes of discovering new bars, new food and new people throughout the different "neighborhoods" in Philly.

Sunday night, March 7th consisted of me catching up with high school friends at the Great American Pub in Narberth, somewhere I have lived near for my entire life yet I have never ventured inside. The awkwardly drunk 50-something bartender (apparently a local "narbies" favorite) made it a point to lift his shirt up ever 5-10 minutes to show off an excessively hairy belly and rant and rave about the philosophy of Tom Jones as we watched the Oscars on 6-7 flat screen tvs... it was weird, to say the least.

Monday night-- the highlight of my week thus far, my new friend Kat hosted an art exhibit at Hinge Cafe in Port Richmond. The heat from the faux fireplace mixed the tall hipster boys, free gallons of red wine and the smooth sounds of Clean Equations (check them out on myspace- they rocked) caused my face to literally radiate awkwardness... (its cool I have a sip of red wine and my cheeks flush like a virgin on prom night). Pretending to panick that the leggings that corey was wearing were an actual "jungle cat! watch out!" and waved like a dope at boys I met the week before, prevented me from spitting any actual game.

Shortly after my parents arrived my dad... ironically dressed up in clothes I've never seen him in, a Ireland t-shirt, plaid wool blazer and kakhi pants (if he had been 40 years younger he would have fit right in with the hipster-scene), had to leave because he was sweating and had successfully made himself known with his booming voice and inappropriate humor.
As I began to feel tipsy I looked over only to see a boy I went to high school with ( a year older, who I randomly made out with several times back in 2004) taking 20 minutes to decide if I should say hello to him or if he'd even remember me. Several more glasses of wine later I gained the courage and we played catch up for several minutes...

As quickly as the art show began it ended, and we soon created an after party of our own, outside, finishing the remains of the vino and heading over to Barbary's in NoLibs. The mix of songs ranging from "Psycho Killer" by the Talking Heads and Blur's "woohoo" made for a perfect dance party (Typically, in manayunk dance parties look more like a grind-fest rap music video, where people go to black out and put out...) After "mom-dancing" the DJ struck the perfect chord and played Saves The Day's "At Your Funeral" not only one of my favorite songs, but we had recently attended their show not only 3 weeks before. As I jumped for joy and bopped around I soon found myself head over heels with excitment.. seriously, fell so hard.. however, grateful I was not the only one... Jim had the remains of a dirty foot print on his kakhis to prove it. The clock struck 3 and it was time to go, Corey and I hailed a cab and continued our adventure home having accidents in the foyer and waking up her entire building in a drunken stooper.

Tuesday, a day to redeem ourselves.
After spending the entire day with Corey driving all around first to NoLibs for an organic breakfast at "Honey's Sit-and-Eat" (FANTASTIC LATKAS) to Plymouth Meeting to play with puppies, our new "friends"(i use the term friends loosely as I have become exponentially more tongue-tied every time we've hung out with them) allowed us a chance to redeem ourselves from the previous night's drunken mess I call "a killer time"... and invited us to the dark basement of Voyeur to see a DJ called Snaxx. I dont know if it was the uncomfortable drunk I got off of 2 tall boys of Sparxx or the Outback Steakhouse meal I had for dinner but the DJ seemed to mix the perfect amount of beats, drumming and spanish that virtually impressed the fuck outta me. Besides the co-ed bathroom, where when you went to sit the door was so close to you, your knees had to be up by your ears, it was all in all a pretty gnarly night.

Wednesday, Is the POPE catholic?
In this case not really... sticking to our plan to keep it real and try new places out all week, we "yelped" (a website where restaurant goers can submit their own reviews for anyone to see) for a good 25 minutes and corey and I decided we wanted to go the Pub on Passyunk East (aka THE POPE). Styled with a crazy amount of beers and the smooth sounds coming out of the Juke Box, POPE might be my favorite place yet. And the best part? Spent the entire night catching up with my two friends from high school (one being said boy I ran into on monday at the art show), yes now that I am clearly a funnier and less awkward person in writing I grew a pair and posted this on his wall referencing that if he came to POPE he might get lucky and we can make out to the Lincoln Park- Jay-z mash up in the back of mikes car haha. Both him and Mike came and played catch up... (ie. no make out).

So we parted our ways, and I set home to finally get some much needed sleep.

Thursday, the night I refer to as "chill"
After much debate about which new place to try, Corey and I decided to force our friend Ashley to come out to Cantina's on East Passyunk (apparently our new favorite street...) in South Philly to split a pitcher of Margaritas and shit all over boys. The place was beautifully lit with year-round christmas multi- color twinkle lights and an eclectic array of music booming from it's juke box. Jim showed up and we dished about his ex's for a while, always super-entertaining, and his get-rich-quick scheme to beat "The Man" in Atlantic City. When it came time to pay the bill they offered a questionairre to our table, which i quickly jumped at-- some questions including:

favorite food: Small Babies
favorite song to get drunk to: Psycho killer- talking heads ( a song that has been in my head for about a week now)
favorite song when drunk: MACARANA (sp?)
comments?questions? : The waiter with the blue-gray plaid shirt and tight skinnys is totes-adorbs ;-)
(please flip over)

on the other side: a budget- 3rd grade style picture of me and the waiter holding hands, depicting his shaggy hipster beard and skinny jeans.... along with my e-mail address..

...he never emailed.. weird....

Welp. Today is now Friday-- a day that I spent hunting for steals at the thrift store with money i do not have.... However, today is ALSO pay day!! woo hoo-- and tonight will be the one flaw in our week of new places... we're heading back to Voyeur in the gayborhood near washington square... as they are hosting "Making Time" apparently something thats worth $12 to see, however they are offering quite the steal: from 9-11 PRB and Sparxx are included in the $12 cover.

