Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Something old, something new, something BALLER, something blue

So once again its been a while, so I thought I'd update you on some fun things that have happened in the last month or so.

I went to Nascar. Thats right. NASCAR. I attended a massive tailgate with 70 JMU alum where speakers were blasting music and pulled pork was abundant. It was quite eventful. Day drinking can get tiresome, but when you start at noon (well i guess 10:30 we had mimosas) and the race doesn't even begin until 7 or 8 you're bound to miss the end. We went into Nascar for atleast half the race, but it was time to go. Our necks were red (no pun intended...maybe) and we were all severely dehydrated... as soon as we got back to my brother's friends parents house (got it?) I beelined for my bed, no longer than several hours of deep sleep I awoke PARCHED. I stumbled to the bathroom, scooped water from the faucet with my hands because only civilized people use glasses (hey, it was nascar remember?) I woke up in the morning and was picked up by Mike and Drew and we drove 35 miles out of the way to get Sonic.. which I had never had before, but must admit has some tasty milkshakes, I could have done without the burger.

What I really wanted to write about was the most amazing night ever. THANK YOU COREY! Corey won q102's Bridesmaids give-away (no... she is not getting married.) She and 9 friends (this girl included) gathered at her apartment last friday around 7:30pm where we were escorted by a limo just a block away to a restaurant called kokopellis. Since said restaurant was only 500 feet from Corey's apartment we asked Maquees (the best driver ever) to please stop at a liquor store for champagne, drive around city hall and prepare himself to get crazy.

We used up almost our entire tab at kokopellis ($800 thanks to Q102) eating delicious tapas style food and taking copious shots of top shelf tequila with the waitress and the bus boy. Now that we were feelin' loose, it was time give Marquees the 20 minute heads up, and roll up to The Roxxy.

There, we cut the line because we was VIP babay, had free entry and Corey had her choice of flavored vodka on Elvis... (No i do not mean that she would be drinking vodka off an elvis but rather I am referring to the Q102 morning talk show "Elvis in the Morning") Being pretty sauced up as we were, we barely put a dent in the liquor and in fact, after about an hour of being there called Marquees and tried to sneak the bottles out in our small jackets... fail.

Words cannot explain how crazy this night was. Thank you Corey and Q102 for making this "bachelorette" party one I (and hte cops outside The Roxxy that flashed their lights for Corey) will never forget!