Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some people will never grow up..

This past week reminds me a lot of the time I got into a car accident when I was 18. A day after I stayed up all night because of prom- I was on my way back from newtown square-while everyone else was blowing off senior project, I was taking real estate classes. I have what we like to call "catholic guilt" for some reason it is very difficult for me to do something half-ass and not feel extremely... unnecessarily guilty about it- so I was doing something with my time that could really benefit my future and not take advantage of the month off before graduation.

anywho- I was tired, cranky and most likely not paying too much attention when I rear-ended a BMW (metallic blue). Shaking, we both pull into the Wawa to exchange info and this main-line-mom in spandex starts gets out of her car, freaking out at me.. informing me that she not only was going to be late to her work out, but her lease was up in a week and this accident would ruin everything (did i mention i barely chipped her paint and my car was un-drivable). So, I did what any normal, hormonal, sleep-deprived teen would do, I cried and called my daddy...

So why is this relevant to my past week? This spandex wearing mom was my first realization (besides don't drive when youre too tired) that some women, no matter how much they go through, will forever be inherent bullies... no matter if you are a stay-at-home mom who dictates the PTA with an iron fist, or one with a full blown career who decides to threaten her ex-babysitter with a charge worth hundreds of dollars to replace the locks if they don't return their key by 5pm tonight (yes... THAT happened), once a bully, always a bully.. And those most susceptible to bullies? THOSE WITH CATHOLIC GUILT... it is ingrained in my blood for me to feel guilty for quitting a BABYSITTING JOB.. but now? NO MAS, PUTA (that's spanish for "no more, bitch"). What did I do this time? Did I cry and call dad?? NO DUDE, I stuck up for myself!

So folks, moral of the story? In the city (well,suburbs) of brotherly love- Be kind to your employees: respect and kindness can go a long way. Being a bully? Just causes teens to cry, keys to get "lost," aggressive e-mail to be sent, and bridges to be burned.

peace. love. philadelphia.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy New YEAR!

Okay, so it miiiiight not be new years, but I seriously feel revitalized. I am determined to get out of this slump I've been in and commit to blogging and getting my shit together.

I've had sort of a terrible week... well I shouldn't say terrible (caroline) I should say less than pleasant week. I have been having these terrible mood swings, no not menopause, I like to call it JOB-O-PAUSE, or maybe i should call it bi-joblar disorder.. that is probably more suiting.. as i manically apply to hundreds of jobs and then get super depressed that none respond. I've had these flashes of emotion thinking that I will simply NEVER get a job. I think I've sent my resume out ATLEAST 200 time ... I SWEAR that is not an overstatement. I even resorted back to babysitting.. and let me tell you.. its hell in a handbag. My first day on the job and i am walking their dog... i shouldn't even consider this BEAST to be a dog.. she's a 150 pound KING german shepard... come ON.. and get this... it shits ALL over itself the first day!! In a panic I find a hose... a spray the beast down... lets just say i doubt i got all of it.. its stepping in the poop and tracking it all around, and I just spray the leg off and call it a day-because i am NOT getting paid enough to touch poop...

So after feeling sorry for myself all week (cough all fall, cough), I attended a benefit where my best friend, caroline, spoke. She was super nervous but she conquered her fears and spoke (got a standing ovation) and was all-in-all really successful. It inspired me.

I think back to May, when I was so hopeful about gaining some experience in fundraising or non-profits in hopes to start my own one day... and well folks today I took the first steps!

I applied for non-profit status for "Sustainable Urban Development, Inc." YOU are now reading the BLOG of the PRESIDENT. how. fucking. bad ass.

So now, newly inspired by what I am calling "my new year," I will continue down this path towards sustainable, low to moderate income communities while making you laugh.

Don't lie. i know you're looking forward to it.

*L-dog OUT*